
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Search Results-Former IDF intelligence chief: Heavy Israeli strike would topple Assad regime-Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Search Results-Former IDF intelligence chief: Heavy Israeli strike would topple Assad regime-Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Former IDF intelligence chief: Heavy Israeli strike would topple Assad regime
Amos Yadlin says any attack by Iran 'would be measured and calculated, so the chances it would lead to a regional war aren’t very high.'

Former Military Intelligence chief Amos Yadlin said Sunday that if Israel used all its power to strike Syria it would put an end to President Bashar Assad's regime.


A very bright idea from a stupid idiot of an adviser of Israel’s government to get the entire world involved in WW III because his filthy stinking ass hole is itching to get a scratching feeling after all these days to have world wide HOLOCAUIST and extermination of the JEW community as Iran predicted. 

The Israeli criminal brain could only think of  killing human beings be in cool head or in fight or was in war what difference does it make so long the Israeli terrorists kill innocents  Muslims, Christians and or of any other people of religion followers.  Then these animals take shelter behind US. Hope US would soon stop affording them shelter.

We Americans are fed up with Israeli  traitors that not only thrived on US middle class and poor’s tax paid money but also kills the Americans within US by NRA and in Israel by IDF. How funny the AIPAC heading that kills Americans in any ways like dogs without any remorse. Now the adviser advises to start a World War to dine on human flesh to their Jews heart contents.” Assad: Syria will respond to any future Israeli strike

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