
Friday, December 23, 2011

Iraq: Explosions Rock Baghdad, Killing At Least 69 And Injuring Dozens

Iraq: Explosions Rock Baghdad, Killing At Least 69 And Injuring Dozens

Get out of Iraq to save lives or die Maliki has triggered the inevitable catastroph­ic of killing to turn the country into a ghost country of dead. The world would not pardon the butcher G W Bush who start the war without any sufficient cogent ground and cause but only on the pressure of Jews majority in US congress controlled by Israel and the sons of bitches of AIPAC.

The President by declaring closure of Iraq war has saved the valuable lives of our braves (Men and Women) but the filthy Republican traitors on instigatio­n of the illegitima­te children of the Nazi members of AIPAC are shouting against the declaratio­n of the Iraq war closure on propaganda of Israel and are singing the song in favor of G W Bush the mater criminal of the world and the killer of millions of innocents. Today, tomorrow or day after he will have to be tried and hanged by his neck for the genocide and installing the killer like Maliki the Iranian Spy as the PM of Iraq..

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