
Monday, October 9, 2017

Trump’s Meltdown Now Makes Sense, Mueller Meets with Key Witness That Could End it All


New reports reveal that Special Counsel Robert Mueller met with Christopher Steele, former British spy and author of the infamous Trump/Russia dossier, back in August.

The contact with Steele could help Mueller and his team determine what, if any, of the contact between Trump’s campaign and Russian operatives, was illegal.

CNN reports that FBI and the US intelligence community took the infamous Steele dossier much more seriously than publicly acknowledged.
The CIA and the FBI took Steele’s research so seriously that they chose to keep it out of the publicly-released January report pertaining to Russian meddling in the election. The agencies specifically did this to not reveal which parts of the dossier they had corroborated and how.

CNN goes on to report:
This contrasts with attempts by President Donald Trump and some lawmakers to discredit Steele and the memos he produced.

Ever since the dossier came to light in January, Trump and his allies have repeatedly insisted that it is a complete work of fiction. He told The New York Times this summer that the dossier “was totally made-up stuff.” In a series of tweets earlier this year, Trump said the memos were written by a “failed spy” who had relied on “totally made-up facts by sleazebag political operatives.”

While the most salacious allegations in the dossier haven’t been verified, its broad assertion that Russia waged a campaign to interfere in the election is now accepted as fact by the US intelligence community. CNN also reported earlier this year that US investigators have corroborated some aspects of the dossier, specifically that some of the communications among foreign nationals mentioned in the memos did actually take place.

The above article is self explanatory and hardly needs any elaboration. This new revelation would now expedite Muller’s long awaited report to draw the conclusion and the public might as well wait for the report sooner than as was expected earlier.

Russian forgets that had it not been of the support of US during WWII the existence to day of Russia would have not been in the world map.

This back stabber nation with a dirty disgusting President tried to stab back US thinking it would make Russia great. But on the contrary it has failed to gain its mission. And all the good name it earned with the help of US all these years is washed off with its one criminal deed.

In conclusion, it can be boldly mentioned that such heinous “SIN PARDONS NONE” NOT EVEN ITS FATHER. IT FOLLOW HIM TO HIS GRAVE. And that is what we International Community of Nations would see soon. 

As Its Relationship with China would become dwindling because of it inherent criminal habit of stabbing back who so ever helps it during its rainy day.

China would not leave it to go so easily, Russian should remember this fact. The days of show of power of past days over China is long gone with the winds.    

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