
Friday, April 24, 2015

All aid to Israel is illegal - Wilkes-Barre Scranton Independent Gazette

All aid to Israel is illegal

Israel has over 100 nuclear weapons. No one in the US government will
publicly admit to this truthbecause to do so would break the very laws we
passed decades ago against proliferation, while simultaneously exposing the
hypocrisy of the current Israeli foreign policy of the US. This denial of
material fact is proof, once again, that the government cannot be counted on to
be open, honest, and transparent with the American public. It appears that only
through relentless FOIA requests can the public ever hope to obtain a complete
understanding of what is being done behind closed doors.

Below is an overview of the laws broken, provided by Arms Control Association.

Symington Amendment

Adopted 1976. Sec. 101 of the Arms Export Control Act, formerly Sec. 669 of
the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 as amended.

Prohibits most U.S. assistance to any country found trafficking in nuclear
enrichment equipment or technology outside of international safeguards.
President Jimmy Carter found Pakistan in violation of the Symington amendment
in 1979 because of Islamabad’s clandestine construction of a uranium enrichment
plant. U.S. aid to Islamabad was possible between 1982 and 1990 only through
the use of presidential waivers.

Glenn Amendment

Adopted 1977. Sec. 102(b) of the Arms Export Control Act, formerly Sec. 670
of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 as amended.

Prohibits U.S. foreign assistance to any non-nuclear-weapon state (as
defined by the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) that, among other things,
detonates a nuclear explosive device. President Bill Clinton imposed Glenn
amendment sanctions against India on May 13, 1998, two days after New Delhi
broke its self-imposed 24-year moratorium on nuclear testing. On May 30, 1998,
Clinton invoked similar sanctions against Pakistan, following Islamabad’s six
nuclear tests on May 28 and 30.

The latest smoking gun comes from a report titled Critical
Technology Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations
, dated April 1987,
that was released in response to a FOIA request after three years. This
document unequivocally states that Israel has nuclear labs “equivalent to our
Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and Oak Ridge.” This level of sophistication is
required for fashioning nuclear weapons, not developing power generation. It
should be noted that if Iraq had anything approaching this expertise, George W.
Bush would have been vindicated, and his invasion justified.

Since 1977 the US government has continued to violate its own laws, and in
the process destroyed much of our credibility on the world stage. The
enforcement of these laws would result in immediately terminating billions in
yearly armament “aid” that would reverberate through much of the military
industrial complex around Washington, DC. It would also seriously undermine the
funding strategies and influence of groups, such as AIPAC,
that want to keep this endless gravy train of free goodies flowing Israel’s

This policy of lies has ties to levels of corruption that run deep through
the Beltway. When both Republicans and Democrats are feeding at the same trough
of campaign funding, who among them has the audacity to make waves and silence
the dinner bell by revealing the truth, with billions of dollars at stake?

The dialog over Iranian nuclear talks overshadows the fact that for more
than three decades, all US aid to Israel has been illegal. Amounting to an
average of just under $3 billion a year, the American taxpayers have been
subsidizing Israel, effectively rewarding them for continuously violating our
nuclear proliferation laws. In the meantime, they’ve built an atomic arsenal on
par with Great Britain, and equipped their navy with Doomsday
submarines. Israel now has five submarines with nuclear strike capabilities, and a sixth scheduled for
delivery in 2019.

Israel is clearly doing what it believes is right for its people in order to
survive—a self-preservation motivation—and that’s their business. The problems
arise when the US government blatantly and repeatedly lies to its own
people—because they can’t afford not to—about Israel’s capacity to turn the
Middle East into a glass parking lot. Possessing enough nuclear warheads to
destroy every city on earth with a population of over 3 million people
is not exactly a minor oversight.

Are you outraged yet?

Mainstream media in this country appears to have some type of a blackout
policy when it comes to covering these legal and ethical violations. For
example, a recent piece at The Nation skips over the huge financial figures in
jeopardy now that the truth is out. It appears that the unofficial policy is to
talk about everything except the money when it comes to Israel.
Television and radio discussions are no different. What happened to
investigative journalism?

Elected officials must now step up and level with the world instead of
pretending that Israel’s true nuclear capacity is somehow unclear. This
hypocritical application of US policy drives much of the contempt the world has
for Americans as we quote “the rule of law” and act as some objective arbiter
of truth who is above reproach.

This selective enforcement of the laws, and use of legalese to skirt them,
is employed not only by the current White House Administration, but also by
those who preceded it, and only adds to the long list of selective justice
examples in this country. This is not a Left vs. Right issue, but a legal vs.
illegal issue of which every American should be ashamed.

It is time for the so-called most transparent Administration in history to live
up to its stated principles and finally do right by the American people. We
need to have an open discussion on our selective enforcement of US laws and the
repercussions of breaking those laws if the US government is ever to
reestablish trust, not only with the rest of the world, but with the American
people themselves.

to be a court order for immediate implementation of the court verdict. If deemed fit another ruling IS
REQUIRED TO THE FACT THAT all aids given to Israel so far illegally to be ordered
to return back in installment over the years as was given in the same manner
and amount in dollars to US treasury.

And that the court order will be in voge and would reman irrevocable till the
entire amount is returned to the US treasury. No AID would be given to Israel
till the amount completely returned and is disarmed of all nukes”

Such court ruling
is not only rare but shows the judges are there alive those who all think of
the legal safety and security aspects for the lives of people around the world unlike the Zionist lawmakers
in US congress and Senate.

The World Community
of Nations  heartily welcomes the News of the verdict
and thinks the world community of Judges would not ever step back to stand
shoulder to shoulder while delivering ruling for the over all benefit for the
nations of the world.

It is hoped this
ruling would be upheld in higher court of Law in US and would follow as example
throughout the world and Judges should never suck the boots of the lawmakers out of
fear of losing their job carrying out impartial legal job as a Judge.

This is mentioned
because in some countries the lawmakers forcibly get the Judges of higher courts to
bow down to comply to declare Judgments as of the dictation in many countries big and small

The International
Community of Nations hopes that Super powers must also accept the declaration of any court
verdict against the countries holding Nukes and are accused of genocide for
  implementation at once.

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