
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Joe Lieberman: Obama Lacks Coherent Anti-Terror Plan

Joe Lieberman: Obama Lacks Coherent Anti-Terror Plan

Joe Lieberman: Obama Lacks Coherent Anti-Terror Plan
01/15/14 11:14 AM ET EST

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Democratic-leaning former senator says President Barack Obama has no coherent anti-terrorism strategy in embattled Syria, Iraq and Libya.

Connecticut's Joe Lieberman, who retired from the Senate this month, told the House homeland security committee Wednesday that the administration is still focused on fighting al-Qaida without keeping up with its current network of loosely affiliated groups. Lieberman says Islamist terrorists are gaining new footholds in Syria, Iraq and Libya, but American policymakers are signaling that military involvement is off the table. He says the U.S., then, is unable to help quash these groups and protect itself and its allies in the region.

Administration officials have said engagement should not be equated with military action. The State Department has said diplomacy is the first option.


We American members of the Public Middle class and Poor are surprised to see the traitor a veteran ZIONIST bastard who led the idiot G W Bush to commit torture and G W BUSH he is a wanted Genocide criminal.

This traitor  Zionist unwittingly said Obama could not sort out the terrorists. Who are the real permanent terrorists of world? Isn't it the well known all political leaders of the lone terrorist state Israel the recognized lone terrorist State of the world. This fact is known and accepted under some compulsion by the World Community of nations. So it is Israel. And he is correct Obama and the world's super powers have not been to properly kick around these Israeli terrorists to the hearts contents of the World Community of Nations.

And the World Community of  Nations bears witness to the fact that the President Obama has not been able to satisfactorily shove the rod through these dangerous Israeli terrorists the number one enemy of the world the actual problem creator of the entire globe since it came to being. Can anyone deny the fact? 

Think very minutely how could Obama punish this terrorist when such stinking filthy veteran terrorists guided the members of the filthy Israeli’s ZIONIST Lobby group AIPAC continuously to created ominous situation for the President obstructing him so that he the President could not function normally during the entire tenure until now. 

Public wants to know why the President did not take drastic action against those ZIONIST Israeli terrorists and those ZIONIST members of the lobby group AIPAC in US. But then how can he when the axis of evils are sitting in the house.

 It is a public demand now that before the term of the Presidency is over he would definitely take such action that would remain as guide line for all future US President so that the ZIONISTS irrespective of  Party affiliation do not dare to rebuke the US President and Ministers, obstruct the progress and development of the nation including conspire to kill the middle class and poor.

Public has requested all American middle class and poor not to invite  the American killing conspiratorial party to form Government.  If  Any Democrats faltering then they should also be punished without any mercy. The nation would not get Obama like President every time to help retrieve the country from ashes. 

Therefore, All American Middle class and poor should organize themselves under one banner, And control the selection of the best able President through vote. In addition, kick out the corrupt Zinist candidates.  The Representatives should fear to do anything wrong to the country and the nationals. They must work honestly and should not have time to conspire to kill the Middle class and poor ever in their life time..

 All bad elements like these ZIONISTS Lieberman, Mitch MacConnel, Eric Cantor and the Speaker Boehner should be weeded out of national politic at all cost for the survival of middle class and poor..

Obama does not need any unwanted suggestion from traitors like Lieberman who led the Republican Party government to doom the country. Better he shuts up and pass his days. He is an axis of evil in disguise.     


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